Media Arts Courses 4 Teens

Film School 4 Teens has created fantastic MEDIA ARTS courses for 6th - 12th grade students. 

Our courses offer FUN, hands-on, self paced, video based courses to teach media arts to middle and high school students with no special equipment required. Students around the world are loving the FS4T courses whether they plan to pursue media arts or just want to be more skilled with that technology.

Prices include all videos and logins for each student as well as one 100 page color workbook for each course (free shipping)

Where Learning Meets Imagination!

See reviews from parents & students!

Intro to Filmmaking:

"I have been loving this course! I've always loved movies and their stories. Film School 4 Teens has both been teaching me to appreciate and fully grasp a film, but also how to make one. The recorded discussions really help as I can agree with or learn from other students. Film School 4 Teens has made my semester very enjoyable and interesting." - Lukas

"Honestly loved this course so much! So interactive and fun! I highly recommend!" - Esther

Acting 4 The Screen:

"I definitely recommend Acting 4 The Screen for all those getting started as this offers very valuable information for the beginner, the actor needing teaching, and those who are interested in acting!" - Ryder

Youtube 4 Teens:

"The information I learned in this course helped me take my Youtube channel to the next level and it was so much fun!" - Ellie

"This class was really fun and helped me with some of the basics that I didn't know like starting a channel and how to run one" - Hunter

Photography 4 Teens:

"5 out of 5 stars!! A totally amazing beginner photographer experience - I learned so much" - Tate

"This was a great course for new photographers I had so much fun learning this great new skills and I will never go back to how I took photos before!! And I learned that I love portraits!! I can't wait to use these skills on friends and family!!" - Elizabeth

Video Editing 101:

"I strongly recommend Video Editing 101 to anyone who is interested in having a successful editing career!" - Jude

Graphic Design 101:

"I've been learning so many things about graphic design that I never knew before. I love art and designing things and I think this is a good starting point to grow my design skills for a future career." - Lincoln

"I have been in this course for only a month and am a terrible artist but I've learned how to make some really cool designs! I love the workshops because I can see what kinds of things other students have designed and get inspiration from them too." - Haley